Product Details
Disclaimer: Please ensure that all product details that matter to you (such as size, grade, quantity, design, etc.) are clearly stated in the product description. The seller will be held responsible for shipping items according to the description.
The bundle contains the following products:
Product #1
Title: Y2k tops
Quantity: 78piece
Price per unit: GBP 6.72
Grade: A/B
Product #2
Title: Short afghan coats
Quantity: 10piece
Price per unit: GBP 17.38
Grade: A/B
Product #3
Title: Long afghan coats
Quantity: 5piece
Price per unit: GBP 18.96
Grade: A/B
Product #4
Title: Leather jackets
Quantity: 12piece
Price per unit: GBP 14.22
Grade: A/B
Product #5
Title: Dress
Quantity: 22piece
Price per unit: GBP 9.48
Grade: A/B
All prices are inclusive of shipping.
The bundle contains the following products:
Product #1
Title: Y2k tops
Quantity: 78piece
Price per unit: GBP 6.72
Grade: A/B
Product #2
Title: Short afghan coats
Quantity: 10piece
Price per unit: GBP 17.38
Grade: A/B
Product #3
Title: Long afghan coats
Quantity: 5piece
Price per unit: GBP 18.96
Grade: A/B
Product #4
Title: Leather jackets
Quantity: 12piece
Price per unit: GBP 14.22
Grade: A/B
Product #5
Title: Dress
Quantity: 22piece
Price per unit: GBP 9.48
Grade: A/B
All prices are inclusive of shipping.